Invited Talks and Presentations

 “Reorienting Discussions regarding ‘Knowledge of the Natural Law through Connaturality.’” Natural Law and Moral Norms.  Mundelein Seminary Center for Scriptural Exegesis, Philosophy and Doctrine.  Co-organized by Tom Finegan and Matthew Levering.  November 7–9, 2024, Chicago, IL.

“For Me to Live is Christ.” Pax Christi Youth Day Retreat.  St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Parish, York, PA.  Nov. 2, 2024.

“Thomas Aquinas and Arabic-Islamic Philosophy.”  Invited course lecture for “Contemporary Issues in Muslim & Christian Dialogue.” Center for Muslim-Christian Studies, Houston and Oxford.  October 2024.

“On the Importance of Distinctions and an Articulated Theological Lexicon for Moral Theology.”  Intellectual Formation Weekend.  St. Joseph College Seminary.  October 25–26, Mt. Holly, NC.

Invited Lecture: “Marie Rosaire Gagnebet’s Response to Surnaturel.”  University of St. Thomas, graduate course in Modern Catholic Theology.  October 2024.

“Beyond Non-Being: On the Being of Human Culture” Invited talk given at St. Patrick’s Pontifical University, Maynooth Ireland (October 3, 2024)

“On the Life and Theology of Bl. Columba Marmion.”  Invited lecture for Benedictine Spirituality course (MA Level).  Institute for Ministry Formation at St. Vincent Seminary.  March 2024.

“Outline of Moral Catechesis Based on Christ our Pascha.”  Presentation for the Religious Education Office of St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Parma.  December 5, 2023.

“Suarez as a Diachronic Marker in the Debate over the Infused Moral Virtues.”  Jesuit Readers of the Secunda Pars of the Summa Theologiae.  Mundelein Seminary Center for Scriptural Exegesis, Philosophy and Doctrine.  Co-organized by Justin Anderson, Matthew Levering, and Aaron Pidel.  September 7–9, 2023, Chicago, IL.

Annual East Means West Retreat: Moral Theology and Life in Christ.  Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke Ukrainian Catholic Mission, Arden, NC.  June 23–24, 2023.

Commentator on Ryan Brady, Conforming to Right Reason: On the Ends of the Moral Virtues and the Roles of Prudence and Synderesis.  Annual Meeting of The Sacra Doctrina Project.  “On the Theological Virtue of Faith.”  June 8–10, 2023

“Philosophy Born of Faith: The Case of the Praeambula Fidei.”  Invited plenary Address.  2022 Annual Meeting of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, “The Metaphysical Preambles to the Preambles of Faith.”  November 17–20, 2022, New Orleans, LA. 

“The Natural Law of our Supernaturalized Nature: Thomism and the Destiny of the Human Person in Christ.”  Princeton Aquinas Institute for Catholic Life.  Scheduled November 10, 2022.

“No mere 'flyover country': Some Historical Notes Regarding the “Schola Thomae” as an Integral Context of the Thought of Dr. John Deely.” International Open Seminar on Semiotics: A Tribute to John Deely on the Fifth Anniversary of His Passing.  University of Coimbra, Portugal, January 29, 2022.

“John Deely: Remarks on the Last Days of a Master (and a Statement on Behalf of the American Maritain Association).”  International Open Seminar on Semiotics: A Tribute to John Deely on the Fifth Anniversary of His Passing.  University of Coimbra, Portugal, January 7, 2022.


Conference Presentations

“The Providential Structuring of Humanity through the Spiritual Soul’s Relation to the Body.”  Male and Female He Created Them.  Annual conference of the American Catholic Philosophical Association.  November 14–17, 2024, Chicago, IL.

Ens Intentionale: The Prime Analogate of Created Being.”  Annual Meeting of the Sacra Doctrina Project.  All Things That Were Made. On Creation, Creatures, and Their Creator.  St. Paul Seminary.  June 6–8, 2024.  St. Paul, MN.

“The Necessity of Acquired Virtue for the Political Life: A Critique of Certain Contemporary Claims Regarding the Relationship between Acquired and Infused Moral Virtues.”  Annual Meeting of the American Maritain Association.  “Maritain on Democracy: Promise and Peril.” St. Bernard’s School of Theology.  April 11–13, 2024.  Rochester, NY.

“The Superanalogy of Faith: A Necessary Development in the Thomistic Analysis of the Noetics of Faith.” Annual Meeting of The Sacra Doctrina Project.  “On the Theological Virtue of Faith.”  St. Mary’s Seminary.  June 8–10, 2023.  Baltimore, MD.

“Practical Signs: A Thomistic Notion Hidden in Broad Daylight.”  2023 Annual Meeting of the American Maritain Association.  Commemorating the Legacy of Jacques Maritain on the 50th Anniversary of His Death.  University of Dallas.  April 27–29, 2023.  Dallas TX.

“Nature and Grace in St. Gregory Palamas: Classifying the Hesychastic Theologian in Relation to the Western Scholae.”  2022 Annual Meeting of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, “The Metaphysical Preambles to the Preambles of Faith.”  November 17–20, 2022. New Orleans, LA. For a draft of this, click here.

“Philosophy Born of Faith: The Case of the Praeambula Fidei.” Invited plenary Address.  2022 Annual Meeting of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, “The Metaphysical Preambles to the Preambles of Faith.”  Scheduled November 17–20, 2022. New Orleans, LA.

“Art Imitates and Transfigures Nature: The Fulfillment of Nature’s Obediential Potency through Artistic Activity,” Conference Presentation, American Maritain Association Conference, De Sales University: “Thomism and Contemporary Ideologies,” April 7–9, 2022.

 “The Ontology of the Divine Indwelling: A Hard-Headed Thomist Meets with Palamas,” Conference Presentation, American Maritain Association Conference, Franciscan University of Steubenville and Ss. Cyril and Methodius Seminary, Pittsburgh, PA: “Whose Thomism? Which Tradition?,” March 5-7, 2020.

“Sacramental Being, Practical Signification, and Sacramental Causality: A Synthetic Overview,” Conference Presentation, Byzantine Catholic Seminary 2019 Symposium: East, West and Beyond, May 21-23, 2019.

“Wisdom be Attentive: The Noetic Structure of Sapiential Knowledge.”  Conference Presentation, American Maritain Association Conference, De Sales University: “Thomism and Theology,” March 28-30, 2019.  

“Saint Thomas and the Thomists on Logic as a Science.”  Conference Presentation, 53rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, May 10-13, 2018.

“Analogy and Methodology: Maritain and an Example of the Proper Method of Metaphysics.”  Conference Presentation, American Maritain Association Conference, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary: “Thomism and Science,” March 1-3, 2018.

“Getting the Middle Term Right: Cenoscopy, Ideoscopy, and the Formal Objects of Sciences.”  Conference Presentation, American Maritain Association Conference, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary: “Thomism and Science,” March 1-3, 2018.

“Maritain and the Metaphysics of Sexual Differentiation.”  Conference Presentation, American Maritain Association Conference, Fordham University: “Along Unbeaten Pathways: Jacques Maritain's Pursuit of Wisdom in Untrammeled Approaches,” February 25-27, 2016.

“Two Minor Unities: Political Reflections on Common Nature and Unity of Order.”  Conference Presentation, The Catholic University of America, School of Philosophy: “The Public and the Private,” March 20-21, 2015.

“The Practical Epistemology of the Ius Gentium.”  Conference Presentation, American Maritain Association Conference, University of San Francisco: “Maritain Engagé,” February 26-28, 2015.

“Commentary: The Personalism of John Henry Newman by John Crosby.”  Conference Commentary, American Catholic Philosophical Association: “Dispositions, Habits, and Virtues,” October 9-12, 2014.

“Abrahamic Wisdom: Raïssa Maritain's Influence on Jacques' Conception of the Natural Law.”  Conference Presentation, American Maritain Association Conference: “The Young Jacques: Bergson, Raïssa and Friends,” February 27, 2014 – March 1, 2014.

“A Thomistic Phenomenology of the Formal Object of a Subalternate Science: The Case of John of St. Thomas and Jacques Maritain.”  Conference Presentation, The Catholic University of America, School of Philosophy: “Causation and Explanation,” February 22, 2014.

“The Divine Ideas, Separate Substances, and Poetic Intuition.”  Conference Presentation.  American Maritain Association. September 2012.